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Use of C++

Dear Werner

We have some mathematical tools in C++ (called "diffpack"). We would like to
include this in some TRNSYS components. Do you have any recommendations on
how to to this. All other components that we have made are in fortran. Could
we call a C++ subroutine (in a dll) from a fortran file and then link this

Any suggestions on solutions and thing sto read are most welcome.


Ronny Glöckner
Ronny Glöckner - Research Scientist, PhD  tlf(w) +47 63 80 61 68
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)	(p) 	 +47 22 65 16 33
Instituttveien 18					(mob)  +47 96 61 85 88
P.O. Box 40			 			fax(w) +47 63 81 29 05
N-2027 KJELLER			       	e-mail ronnyg@ife.no