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strange problem with PREBID

Hello to everybody,

I have a strange problem with PREBID.

I create a new *.bui file with everything I need such as walls, windows,
cooling, etc.. and it works fine.

When I open again the file to work again on it and I have to change the WALL
TYPE from the library (say American Lib) I get the following error: "This
Type Name is already existing in the project library" and I'm asked to input
a new LAYER NAME. Depending on the library I work with (usually American o
User) I get some (randomly?) errors such as total lost of the library data,
lost of the layers information in the BUI file and more..... I just can't
explain it.

This problem is quite new, I never got it before. I installed again the
TRNSYS but it still happens.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you
