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Re: strange problem with PREBID

	What has happened is that the layer has somehow been defined twice in the Prebid project. What you need to do to correct it is to open the .bui file with a text editor, delete all but one of the definitions, then save and close the .bui file. You will then be able to continue working in Prebid. 

At 01:59 PM 9/12/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello to everybody,
>I have a strange problem with PREBID.
>I create a new *.bui file with everything I need such as walls, windows,
>cooling, etc.. and it works fine.
>When I open again the file to work again on it and I have to change the WALL
>TYPE from the library (say American Lib) I get the following error: "This
>Type Name is already existing in the project library" and I'm asked to input
>a new LAYER NAME. Depending on the library I work with (usually American o
>User) I get some (randomly?) errors such as total lost of the library data,
>lost of the layers information in the BUI file and more..... I just can't
>explain it.
>This problem is quite new, I never got it before. I installed again the
>TRNSYS but it still happens.
>Can somebody help me?
>Thank you