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Dear Xavier,
 1) The wall between two zones (adjacent or external) must include the
area of the doors or not ?    And how to simulate a door ?        - by a
"special" window (especially for external wall) or not necessary (maybe
for adjacent wall) ?

The wall between two zones can include the area of the doors. It depends
on the target level of detail of your simulation.
If it is necessary to include the door's construction in the model then
you can do so, by defining a wall "door" which is
build by the layers of the door, e.g. wood, thermal insulation, wood. It
can also be a window, if the door is made of glas.

 2) About infiltration:    - The infiltration between two zones (through
a door or a window) are simulate with the "coupling air flow
(kg/h)" (adjacent and boundary walls), is it correct ?

yes this is right. It is the mass flow in kg/h.

- The infiltration with the outside (through a door or a window) is
simulate with "infiltration (zone volume/h)" (external wall), is it

yes this is right. The infiltration type always uses the ambient
conditions. It is the air change rate (1/h). Infiltration might be also,
due to leakage of the facade.

 - In the "infiltration (zone volume/h)" must I taken the outside and
the inside infiltration into account or only the outside inflitration ?

e.g. if you select Infiltration ACR=1/h, then you get an volume rate
from the outside (ambient) into the zone with 1 Volume/h. The same
volume rate leaves the zone with zone conditions into ambience (or

3) If I have a wall that touch an other house (no define as zone), how
can I taken into account this influence ?    - Is it correct with a
boundary wall with a user temperature, for instance ?

Exactly. Or if the other house has the same thermal zone characteristics
(same temperature) you might use "boundary identical".




 Matthias Rudolph
 TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH
 Curiestrasse 2
 70563 Stuttgart

 phone: ++49-711-67976-192
 fax:     ++49-711-67976- 11
