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you are right! I put the "user.id" and 
the "Trnsys15_Iisibat3_R15202_Update.exe"  files into the same 
directory (\trnsys15), and my projects work again now. 
I'll continue to use the updated version for my projects, but the 
message from the question mark button on the IISiBat window is 
still "INVALID". Probably, it will be disappeared when my Department 
will get a new maintenance contract with you.
Anyway, my problem is solved now, and this is a very good result.
                                     Thanks for all
                                      Luca Greco

Luca Greco
Mechanical Engineer
Università della Calabria, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (Cs) ITALY
Tel: +39 (0)984 473428
cell: +39 349 4241367
Email: lucakreek@libero.it