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GID resources - Cannot open window in IISiBat

Dear all,

recently several users have reported problems using IISiBat under
Windows 2000. The symptom is that certain windows would not open (e.g.
File/Open does not work).

If you have experienced such problems, please read on. Otherwise feel
free to ignore this article.

After extensive research we found that the problem occurs due to the
huge number of WINDOWS GDI objects needed by IISiBat 3 to construct the
Direct Access menu. Especially on machines where other graphical
applications are running (or machines that lack resources), the maximum
number of GDI objects is reached.

The problem is accentuated by the growing number of users who have
numerous add-on libraries : the more *.tmf files are in the
\trnsys5\iisibat3\data directory, the faster the limit is reached.
(e.g., the complete TESS library suite adds 122 more to the existing 232
standard TMF files).

The next IISiBat service release will allow to switch off the Direct
Access menu for machines where the problem occurs (the treeview does not
consume GDI objects and will always be available).

Currently the only workaround solution to this problem is to remove
unused models (TMF files) from the data directory (e.g., move a
directory branch one level up from \trnsys15\iisibat3\data, so that
IISiBat doesn’t ‘see’ it) and restart IISiBat. Shutting down other
applications (including Netscape, Draw and CAD programs) also helps.

According to Microsoft, there is no way to find out how many GDI objects
are left on a WIN 2000 machine, to know the maximum number of GDI
objects or to increase that maximum.


Werner Keilholz
PS: Technical people interested in WINDOWS details may want to read
my articles and Microsoft's John Hornick's in
under the subject 'How many GDI objects under WIN2000 ?'
  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Software Development Group Leader
  \____/     CSTB Sophia Antipolis, ILC Division
  /    \____ s-mail: BP 209, 06904 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,  F R A N C E
  \____/     phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 00 -- fax: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 33
  /    \____ Mailto:werner@cstb.fr
  \____/     http://evl.cstb.fr/english/team/WK/werner.htm

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