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Réponse à Werner et David (new type (2))

Thank you for your help
We will try to debugg it with the Fortran debugger...
But I have forgotten to say that the error message appears before we indicate the deck file we want to execute.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Bradley 
  To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 5:02 PM
  Subject: Re: new type (2)

    When you get "error1," TRNSYS has not yet read anything from your deck and so has not created a .lst file with your deck's name. It has usually created a file called trnsys.out which will later be renamed as the .lst file. Sometimes, the error message has been written to the trnsys.out file so you might check and see if there is useful information in there. Usually error1 indicates that TRNSYS cannot find the deck that it is supposed to run. Some common causes for this error message are that the cnfgtr.trn file is not in either the directory where the deck is located or in the \trnsys15 directory. I have also noticed the problem if the deck that you are using and trnsys are not on the same hard drive. The easiest way to find the problem is to put a breakpoint at the first line of trnsys.for and step along. The error probably occurs in the following section of trnsys.for



  At 02:47 PM 12/19/2001 +0100, Laurent Serres wrote:

    Dear TRNSYS users,
    with the help of Jeff (thanks a lot :-)) we managed to recompile the trnlib.dll , but at "execute trnsys.exe" the following message appears: error 1, check listing file.
    In the TRNSYS manual this error 1 is explained to be an error of Cnfgtr.trn . So we checked this file, but don't find any error: first line = MICR , 2nd - 8th line =Y.
    What could be the problem ? Where can we find the listing file mentionned in the message? (No file ' *.lst ' was created !) There's no file ' error.txt ' at debugging.
    Please help us.
    Thank you very much !
    Sabine Hoffmann et
    SERRES Laurent 
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  Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
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