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Re: new type (2)

Hi Laurent and Sabine,

most of the time, this error means that TRNSYS could not create
one or several output files - typically the .lst file.

So you should check if
- the absolute path exists (e.g., you don't have ASSIGN
"\mydata\project.lst" ...
  where \mydata doesn't exist
- the file is not locked (e.g., opened in Word, Excel, or another copy
  of TRNSYS; reboot to be sure);

If this is not the case, and you think the error could come from
your DLL, you should run your DLL in the FORTRAN debugger to
see where the crash occurs (look at the 'Call Stack' window to
find the calling SUBROUTINE).

Hope this helps,


Laurent Serres wrote:

> Dear TRNSYS users,with the help of Jeff (thanks a lot :-)) we managed
> to recompile the trnlib.dll , but at "execute trnsys.exe" the
> following message appears: error 1, check listing file.In the TRNSYS
> manual this error 1 is explained to be an error of Cnfgtr.trn . So we
> checked this file, but don't find any error: first line = MICR , 2nd -
> 8th line =Y.What could be the problem ? Where can we find the listing
> file mentionned in the message? (No file ' *.lst ' was created !)
> There's no file ' error.txt ' at debugging. Please help us.Thank you
> very much ! Sabine Hoffmann etSERRES Laurent
> IUT Génie Civil
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> e-mail: laurent.serres@univ-rennes1.fr
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