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cdb, cnb, ....

Dear TRSYS users,

It's my first apperiance in this list, so I use opportunity to regard all of you. I work as a research and teaching assistant in the field of photovoltaic systems engineering.....

I have a question concerning the compiling of TRNSYS source code.... 
I am a bit confused with variables (or labels) in the first three columns in the source Fortran code, like "cdb", "cnb" etc... My compilers (Lahey, Digital 5.0D), I think, recognize them as comments because they start with "c" or there is something else? What to do with them...

I'll be very greatfull of your responces...

Dimitar Dimitrov
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University "Sts. Cyril & Methodious"
Karpos 2 bb 
p.o. box 574
1000 Skopje
tel: +389 2 399141, fax: +389 2 364262