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Re: TRNSYS 14.2

Dear Mr. Moshin,

I'm pretty sure that there must be a small instalation problem. Normaly you
should be able to access these librarys.See if there is a directory called

if not then you have to install TRNSYS again.

PREBID is the program you input your building data BID creates with the
properties the transferfuncion and some other files. See for more details
the manual.



Al-Alawi Mohsin A wrote:

> Hi all in List;
> I have recently join your list group. At our department, we have just
> installed the TRNSYS 14.2 in our NT machines for students. As a new user
> to TRNSYS, I have the following questions:
> 1. I tried to use prebid, but whenever I try  to add a layer, it says "no
> layer in library". does this mean I have to create my own material library
> first? The same thing is for wall, window, ...
> 2. What is the difference between prebid and bid?
> Thank you.
> Mohsin
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