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Hello Mr. Mohsin,

First of all, welcom you and your students to the TRNSYS/COMIS listing

Actually, I have already seen this problem when I just started using TRNSYS 
Normally,  you should find the answer in the  BID/LIB directory...

For your question about the difference in between the PREBID program and the
BID !...
You should know that the PREBID allows you to put the necessary data for
your building, the BID creates the two necessay files *.TRN and *.BLD you
should assign in your input file for the simulation...

Note that the *.BLD contain the necessary information about the thermal
characteristics of your building, when the *.TRN
file contains the Transfert function corfficient...

There are also some other topics the bid creates... I am sure you can find
out more details in the TRNSYS Manual...

Cordialement and Have a Nice Day...

Ben Y.  Bedouani

Energy  System Analysis  and  Modelisation.
CANMET Energy Research Diversification Laboratory - CEDRL
1615, Lionel-boulet Blvd.   P.O. Box 4800, Varennes - QUEBEC

Telephone: 1 (514) 652 4623        Facsimile: 1 (514) 652 0999
Electronic Mail: bbedouan@NRCan.gc.ca           


> ----------
> From: 	Al-Alawi Mohsin A[SMTP:alawi@housner.Colorado.EDU]
> Reply To: 	trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
> Sent: 	February 19, 1999 1:30 PM
> To: 	TRNSYS Group
> Subject: 	TRNSYS 14.2
> Hi all in List;
> I have recently join your list group. At our department, we have just
> installed the TRNSYS 14.2 in our NT machines for students. As a new user
> to TRNSYS, I have the following questions:
> 1. I tried to use prebid, but whenever I try  to add a layer, it says "no
> layer in library". does this mean I have to create my own material library
> first? The same thing is for wall, window, ... 
> 2. What is the difference between prebid and bid?
> Thank you.
> Mohsin
> **************************************************************************
> * __  __  __  _  _  ___  __  _  _ *                                      *
> *(  \/  )/  \( )( )/ __)(  )( \( )* University of Colorado at Boulder    *
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