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RE: Fortran Power Station 4.0

My advice is to stop what you are doing and start working within the MS
Powerstation 4.0 environment to create and debug FORTRAN code.  The
development environment is the best thing about the Powerstation 4 compiler
and I wish we had had it years ago.  To get started with the Powerstation
development environment, please read the document called "Using Common
Fortran Compilers with TRNSYS" from the following webpage:

I would also suggest that you read the general FORTRAN information page at:

This should get you started with using the development environment. There
are also books available (probably from www.amazon.com) on using the
Powerstation compiler.

Nate Blair

Nathan Blair                  mailto:blair@sel.me.wisc.edu
UW Solar Energy Laboratory    PHONE: 608-263-1589
1500 Engineering Drive        FAX:   608-262-8464
Madison  WI  53706   USA      http://sel.me.wisc.edu
      "You can teach a better sermon with
                your life than with your lips."
                             - Oliver Goldsmith

-----Original Message-----
 From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
[mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu]On Behalf Of Yianno Kadis
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 12:08 PM
To: TRNSYS Emial Group
Subject: Fortran Power Station 4.0

Hello everyone

I am trying to run a simulation with a solid desiccant model which I have
downloaded from the TRNSYS web site (the file is called 1302NEW.for)

The compiler I am using is Microsoft FORTRAN Power Station 4.0 but
unfortunately I do not have any manuals for it.  I have tried to follow the
simple tips on how to get started using the Microsoft Fortran PowerStation
4.0 compiler to create, compile, debug, and link subroutines for use with
TRNSYS 14.2.

Unfortunately I am having trouble understanding the steps required to do
this.  For example the first step states "from the command line (DOS prompt)
enter the following: fl32.exe/c/Ox/G5<filename>.  Which Dos prompt is this?
How do I do this?  The next step refers to a file called link.fp4 and the
statement link @link.fp4 to form the Dynamic Link Library.  Where do I write
this statement?

Also some statements need to be written into the TRNSHELL program under the
file\setup\compiler menu.  The instructions say to insert the line:
\MSDEV|BIN|FL32.EXE/c/Ox/G5 on the compile line but what do you enter in the
rebuild and user command lines?

Can someone please just run me through the steps in easy to understand
language so as I can use FORTRAN written source code programs into a TRNSYS

Many thanks for your help

Yan Kadis