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Weather Data??

To: TRNSYS Users
From: Nate Blair

Here at the Solar Energy Lab, we are collecting and posting weather data
files on the TRNSYS Weather Data website
(http://sel.me.wisc.edu/weathini.htm).  We have recently added TRNSYS TMY
formatted data (Type 9 Mode 1) for sites in Canada, Africa, Asia, Europe,
the Pacific Rim and South America.

Do any of you have weather data files which we can add to this resource?

As you all know, good weather data is important for accurate simulations so
the more weather sites we have available, the better the simulations.

Nate Blair

Nathan Blair                  mailto:blair@sel.me.wisc.edu
UW Solar Energy Laboratory    PHONE: 608-263-1589
1500 Engineering Drive        FAX:   608-262-8464
Madison  WI  53706   USA      http://sel.me.wisc.edu
      "You can teach a better sermon with
                your life than with your lips."
                             - Oliver Goldsmith