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RE: Weather Data??


Do you have Quebec and Montreal ones?... I can send you those if you want...

Have a nice day,...Ben.

Ben Y.  Bedouani

Energy  System Analysis  and  Modelisation.
CANMET Energy Research Diversification Laboratory - CEDRL
1615, Lionel-boulet Blvd.   P.O. Box 4800, Varennes - QUEBEC

Telephone: 1 (514) 652 4623        Facsimile: 1 (514) 652 0999
Electronic Mail: bbedouan@NRCan.gc.ca           


> ----------
> From: 	Nathan Blair[SMTP:blair@sel.me.wisc.edu]
> Reply To: 	trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
> Sent: 	March 2, 1999 3:46 PM
> To: 	Trnsyslistserve
> Subject: 	Weather Data??
> To: TRNSYS Users
> From: Nate Blair
> Here at the Solar Energy Lab, we are collecting and posting weather data
> files on the TRNSYS Weather Data website
> (http://sel.me.wisc.edu/weathini.htm).  We have recently added TRNSYS TMY
> formatted data (Type 9 Mode 1) for sites in Canada, Africa, Asia, Europe,
> the Pacific Rim and South America.
> Do any of you have weather data files which we can add to this resource?
> As you all know, good weather data is important for accurate simulations
> so
> the more weather sites we have available, the better the simulations.
> Thanks,
> Nate Blair
> **********************************************************
> Nathan Blair                  mailto:blair@sel.me.wisc.edu
> UW Solar Energy Laboratory    PHONE: 608-263-1589
> 1500 Engineering Drive        FAX:   608-262-8464
> Madison  WI  53706   USA      http://sel.me.wisc.edu
>       "You can teach a better sermon with
>                 your life than with your lips."
>                              - Oliver Goldsmith
> ***********************************************************