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Re: radiant heating and type 56

Dear Fabio,

This problem has been adressed by french people (from the University of
Savoie in Chambiry). Here are two references (in french):

"Modilisation thermique des planchers chauffants. Application au systhme
plancher solaire direct"
Revue Ginirale de Thermique, n0 378, pp 312-323, juin 1993.

"Contribution ` l'amilioration de la technique du plancher solaire direct.
Analyse de la solution "dalles minces" et gestion optimisie du chauffage
Thhse Universiti de Savoie, Laboratoire Ginie Civil et Habitat, Chambiry,



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> De : Fabio Bonazzi <va12159@iperbole.bologna.it>
> A : trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
> Objet : radiant heating and type 56
> Date : mercredi 12 mai 1999 18:14
> hello everibody
> Does anyone know how to link type 56 with a radiant heating subroutine
> created by myself which gives the temperature of the floor and the heat
> trasmission to the space from the floor as outputs?
> thanks in advance
> Fabio Bonazzi 
> P.zza di P.ta S.Mamolo n.5
> 40136 Bologna
> E-Mail  va12159iperbole.bologna.it