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RE: Question about TRNSYS

Dear Maurice,
cc: TRNSYS elist

I have not used Type 36, Thermal Wall, very much but, looking at the type
description, I see nothing that implies it can only be used with Type 19.
To use the thermal wall with Type 56, I would suggest the following (if this
is wrong someone can correct me):

1) In PREBID, create a zone that includes the thermal wall (but do not
actually include the thermal wall in the calculations.
2) Create an internal Gain for this zone.  Make the Internal Gain an input
(the choices are constant, schedule and input).
3) Connect the "Rate of heat flow to the room" which is the first output of
Type 36 to the new input to Type 56 for the internal gain.

I have not experienced your timestep problem with Type 36.  I must admit
that I do not know what "NaN" means either.  I suggest that you send the
appropriate input file to your TRNSYS distributor (the people giving you
tech. support) and the TRNSYS group can work on this problem which may be a

Anyone have more experience with doing this than me?

For the attached sunspace, I again see no reason why you cannot connect the
"attached" sunspace type to Type 56. I would suggest the same strategy of
creating an internal gain in the adjacent zone and then using the output 6
from the Attached Sunspace "Total rate of energy delivery to adjoining room"
to connect to the internal gain input.

Again, I would appreciate further discussion on the best method for handling
an attached sunspace.

I believe it is possible to create multiple zones using Type 19 but it is
normally recommended to use Type 56 for all multi-zone building simulations
where the thermal behaviour of different zones is important.


Nathan Blair
Project Engineer                  
Thermal Energy System Specialists
5610 Medical Circle Suite 31       Phone: 608-274-2577
Madison  WI  53719 USA             FAX:   608-278-1475
http://www.tess-inc.com/           blair@tess-inc.com
"I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry."
                              - Garth Brooks

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jong, M.J.M. [mailto:jong@ecn.nl]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 8:15 AM
> To: Nathan Blair (E-mail)
> Subject: Question about TRNSYS
> Dear Mr. Blair,
> I met you on the TRNSYS club meeting in Liege (Belgium) in
> February 1999. I
> use TRNSYS to simulate the heating and cooling demand for different
> buildings. At this moment I am busy with simulating a house with a thermal
> storage wall and a sun lounge. To simulate the thermal storage wall I use
> type 36 in TRNSHL. Till now, for my simulations I always used
> PREBID to make
> the *.bui file and in TRNSHL I used type 56 (multizone building)
> to get the
> results. I think that this is not possible when you use type 36, because
> there is no interaction between type 36 and type 56. Is this correct ?
> Instead of using type 56, I think you have to use type 19 (detailed zone).
> This is a problem, because you can only use type 19 for one zone. What do
> you have to do when you have more than one zone ?
> I have also an other questions about type 36. In my simulation, I
> that I have to use a very small timestep (ca. 0,05 hour) to get any output
> of type 36. If I use a timestep > 0,1 hour, then nearly all the outputs of
> type 36 are NaN. Is this normal ?
> To simulate the sun lounge, there are two possibilities I think. The first
> possibility is to enter the sun lounge as a separate zone in prebid and
> simulate it in TRNSHL with type 56 (multizone building). The second
> possibility is to use type 37 (attached sunspace) in TRNSHL. If  you do
> this, you have to use type 19 (detailed zone), but this type is only valid
> for one zone.  Do you know the best way to simulate the sun lounge ?
> With kind regards,
> Maurice Jong
> Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN
> Group renewable energy in the built environment
> P.O.  BOX 1
> 1755 ZG  PETTEN, the Netherlands.
> Tel: +31 224 564938
> Fax: +31 224 563214
> E-mail: jong@ecn.nl