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Re: modelling a montroller

Hello Timo,

according to your last question block, I recommend that you will have a look
to a recent handbook (Report 38-11, April 1981), which will give you,
I think so, the solution for which you are looking for:
Chapter 5.9 Example 9: A solar cooling system
Please have a look to the given TRNSYS Deck, especially to the
unit  32 type 2 declarations ...

Of cause, it is possible to switch an output signal to one of the input
variables, starting with an initial condition.

In the PRE-PRINTS of the third international conference on
system simulation in buildings (1990), you will find two contributions
of Englander and Norford: VAV System Simulation, Part 1 and Part 2.
Supply fan control for static pressure minimization using ddc zone feedback.
In the paper the fortran source code had been given to the participants.

Please contact Prof.J.J.Lebrun at University of Liège, Belgium.
Perhaps you will receive one copy of these papers, because you
must know, that all the printed contributions are allways given
to the participants of the conference. Good luck.

Kind regards
Dr.Karl-Christian Rauch
Asc.Member ASHRAE
SAP R/3 Application-Developer
Consultant Tivoli Storage Management

----- Original Message -----
From: "Timo Sengewald" <timo.sengewald@sonnenwaerme-ag.de>
To: "TRNSYS group" <trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 4:52 PM
Subject: modelling a montroller

> Hello!
> I'm doing my diploma thesis about a TRNSYS simulation of a solar
> heating system. My problem is to control all the flow rates that
> occur. The standard differential controller shipped with TRNSYS is not
> an appropriate solution.
> Is there another possibility (e.g. by using equations) to model a
> PID-controller than creating (or buying) a new controller type ?
> Another question concerning my controller problem is if it's possible
> to link the output of an equation with one of its inputs by defining
> an initial value for this input? I want to calculate a control signal
> which depends on the control signal of the last step. Of course TRNSYS
> did not know about the output which is also the input of the equation
> and did not start.
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Timo