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AW: Type 16

Hi Timo

such peaks could occur if your SHIFT in solar radiation is wrong

SHIFT = (Lst - Lloc)


Lst is the standard meridian for the local time and Lloc the longitude of
the location in question

Hope this helps


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Timo Sengewald [mailto:timo.sengewald@sonnenwaerme-ag.de]
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 20. November 2002 16:29
An: TRNSYS group
Betreff: Type 16


As an attachement to this mail you will find a plot of a simple TRNSYS
simulation. I let a online plotter plot the solar radiation produced
by a type 16 in mode 5 (param. 1 = 5, inputs are total horizontal and
diffuse radiation). At the beginning of most days (not just within
this short period) there are these peaks of total and beam radiation.
Does anybody of you has got an idea why the radiation processor
calculates these peaks although neither total nor diffuse radiation
contained by my weather file show something like that? The time step
of the weather file and the simulation is 10 min so that none of the
values has to be interpolated (I suppose).

Thank you for any answer

Timo Sengewald
Phönix Sonnenwärme AG
Am Treptower Park 28-30
D-12435 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: timo.sengewald@sonnenwaerme-ag.de
Tel.: +49-(0)30-53 00 07-237
Fax.: +49-(0)30-53 00 07-17