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Re: sharing Trnsys computers

my opinion is to this theme that it is of no effect whether you are using a 'normal' return
or an alternate return; in some special case it is dependent on your used compiler.
A very difficult theme is the using of 'call by value' or 'call by reference' of the parameters,
input and output arrays as we have experienced some 'hundred' years ago on
PR1ME computers and so on; some compilers do not allow the array dimension of
the kind dimension arrayName(12, 30) instead of arrayName(1,1), when in the calling routine
the 'main' dimension was arrayName(7,7). This is a very important point you have to respect to.
Your other question recommends the following answer: Yes I can work easily on several computers.
Using xWindows or Telnet by example.
The source code you are really working with is dependent on that compiler version you are using.
So any person who wants to use a given source code has to use this special kind of compiler
version which is a prerequisite to fulfil the requirements. It is not easy and in some cases a little
bit quite tremendious, but not dangerous. Dangerous it could be, to say: Stop talking! in a German pub to
some special kind of unhuman beings, speaking with old Nazi parols about Jewish people or any other
nature not born at a point , say Lat. xx (Germany) Long. yy (Germany), for example.
To have 'his/her' own computer is not a matter of fact, but the possibility to transfer earned 'his/her' money.
In some special cases it is good to have your own promotion of father or mother or some other
kind of such an human being.
Happy New Year to all TRNSYS people and all the others 
Kind regards
Christian Rauch
post scriptum: it is possible that the answer to your first question is technical seen wrong,
because i refer to a version of TRNSYS in the 80ies

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gilles Fraisse 
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu 
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 2:24 PM
Subject: sharing Trnsys computers

dear Trnsys users , I have 2 questions :

- does a TYPExx.FOR of version 15 can directly be used with the version 14.2 ? If it is not the case , which modifications do we have to do in the fortran file ? ("return 1" or  "return"  at the end of the source code ...). Of course, we suppose that the deck file correctly takes into account the parameters/input/output position. 

- does a TRNSYS user who has to develop new Types can easily work on several computers ? It's the case of a student who hasn't his own computer and who can use the computer which is avaible in the "computer room". The difficulty is that we have several persons who develop new TYPEs. My opinion is that it is not easy , and quite dangerous . So I think it's better for each student who use TRNSYS to have is "own" computer . Does anybody has a solution, opinion or experience about that ?
Thanks a lot for your help , and have a nice holiday ,

Gilles FRAISSE  
LOCIE - Equipe Génie Civil et Habitat 
Ecole Supérieure d'Ingenieurs de Chambéry (ESIGEC) 
Campus Scientifique Savoie Technolac 
Université de Savoie - 73376 - Le Bourget du Lac Cedex (France) 
Téléphone +33 (0)4 79 75 88 95 
Télécopie +33 (0)4 79 75 81 44 