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RE: sharing Trnsys computers

Dear Gilles,

Trnsys 15 Types can be used directly with Trnsys 14.2. The change between "RETURN" and "RETURN 1" to get out of the Types occurred between Versions 13 and 14. As you mention it yourself, you will have to modify some deck files.

On "sharing computers":

I think that the "cleanest" solution is to install Trnsys on a drive that is automatically mounted when a user logs on to the machine. 
E.g. if you the "T:\" Drive mounts to "\\Server\Users\Gilles" when Gilles logs on and to "\\Server\Users\Michael" when Michael logs on, you can install Trnsys in T:\Trnsys15 on that computer. The copy of Trnsys which is used will be different depending on who is logged on. That allows different developers to share one computer, as well as it allows one developer to work on his/her Trnsys copy from any machine connected to the network. 

You will notice a slight speed decrease but it is usually acceptable. If speed is really an issue (e.g. if you have a slow network or if you run simulations that create very large files), I would just rename the Trnsys15 folder depending on who is using it. You probably know that once TRNSYS 15 is installed on one machine, you can replace the whole \Trnsys15 folder without reinstalling the program. That way, several users can keep their copy of Trnsys on the same computer. They just have to rename "their" Trnsys folder to e.g. C:\Trnsys15 before using it, and rename it again (e.g. to C:\Trnsys15Gilles or to a network drive) when they are done. From what I have seen, most advanced Trnsys users tend to keep several copies of the Trnsys15 folder anyway, so they are used to play that game. 

I hope this helps,



Michaël Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@engr.wisc.edu (NEW!)

SEL Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu [mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of Gilles Fraisse
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 07:25
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Subject: sharing Trnsys computers

dear Trnsys users , I have 2 questions :

- does a TYPExx.FOR of version 15 can directly be used with the version 14.2 ? If it is not the case , which modifications do we have to do in the fortran file ? ("return 1" or  "return"  at the end of the source code ...). Of course, we suppose that the deck file correctly takes into account the parameters/input/output position. 

- does a TRNSYS user who has to develop new Types can easily work on several computers ? It's the case of a student who hasn't his own computer and who can use the computer which is avaible in the "computer room". The difficulty is that we have several persons who develop new TYPEs. My opinion is that it is not easy , and quite dangerous . So I think it's better for each student who use TRNSYS to have is "own" computer . Does anybody has a solution, opinion or experience about that ?
Thanks a lot for your help , and have a nice holiday ,

Gilles FRAISSE  
LOCIE - Equipe Génie Civil et Habitat 
Ecole Supérieure d'Ingenieurs de Chambéry (ESIGEC) 
Campus Scientifique Savoie Technolac 
Université de Savoie - 73376 - Le Bourget du Lac Cedex (France) 
Téléphone +33 (0)4 79 75 88 95 
Télécopie +33 (0)4 79 75 81 44 