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Database with Shading devices

Dear Trnsys users,
is there a database or collection of physical data of shading devices available which can be used togeth er with TYPE 56? The best would be a database with producer, product id, reflection and absorption coefficients. Are there any experiences with companies like Warema amd technical data for their shading devices?

Thanks for a short reply to me or to the list.

-- Jens Oppermann

Dipl.-Ing. Jens Oppermann
Fachgebiet Technische Gebaeudeausruestung
Universitaet Kassel
Gottschalkstr. 28
34109 Kassel
WWW: http://www.tga.uni-kassel.de
E-Mail: oppermann@uni-kassel.de

Phone: ++49-561-804-2055
Fax: ++49-561-804-3278