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Re: co-generation system

Dear JiYong,

in the years 1985 'til 1989 we had been involved in an
research program on interdisciplinary level at the
Technical University of Berlin and we have investigated
the interconnections between the heat supply, the heat distribution
and the building(s) included the influences of the feedback
control strategies as well as the inhabitants' performance.

My former colleague Klaus-Dieter has finished his
dissertation after that time with the following contribution:

Ein Beitrag zur Simulation des dynamischen Betriebsverhaltens
von Warmeversorgungsanlagen in Gebauden
Klaus-Dieter Humpich, Berlin
VDI Fortschrittsberichte, Reihe 19, Warmetechnik/Kaltetechnik, Nr.56

The work has been published in german language, but i think that
the given formulas and their detailed description in fact will be no problem
to read this paper.

The given models of various components could be implemented
in TRNSYS subroutine(s) or super components.

Regards  Christian

----- Original Message -----
From: "JiYong Yu" <archifac@hotmail.com>
To: <trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 9:55 AM
Subject: co-generation system

> Dear TRNSYS user!
> Is it possible to simulate co-generation system in trnsys?
> If somebody simulated co-generation in TRNSYS, Please tell me how simulate
> co-generation.
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