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new window

Dear collegues,

I've been running some building simulations those last few days, also with new window types created with the software "Window", without any problem.
Yesterday, we created again a new window and from then, Trnsys wil no more take into account those window types... I really don't understand the problem.
In the LST file, it is said that the problem comes from the window library. A "visual Fortran run time error" window appear and talk about "severe(64) : input unit conversion error, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Read"

Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks already,


Isabelle Bruyère
Université Catholique de Louvain
Unité d'architecture - Architecture et Climat
Place du Levant, 1 à 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tél : 010/47 21 38 - Fax : 010/47 21 50