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Re: PCM in Wall Board Materials


The Sustainable Energy Centre, University of South Australia, has been 
conducting research of phase change materials for some years.  Contact the 
Director, Dr Wasim Saman <wasim.saman@unisa.edu.au> or see their website 

Lyndon Zimmermann
Adelaide, Australia

Quoting "Blair, Nate" <nate_blair@nrel.gov>:

> TRNSYS List,
> Here at the National Renewable Energy Lab, we are doing some preliminary
> simulations to examine certain aspects of using Phase Change Materials
> (PCMs) in building materials to improve building envelope energy efficiency.
> I am interested in getting information on:
> - Previous work done with PCMs in buildings
> - Existing TRNSYS models related to this
> - Information about previous PCM investigations
> - Anyone else currently investigating this using simulations
> Thanks,
> Nate
> Nate Blair
> Energy Analysis Group
> National Renewable Energy Laboratory
> M/S 2721
> 1617 Cole Boulevard
> Golden, CO  80401
> (303) 384-7426
> FAX: (303)-384-7411
> nate_blair@nrel.gov

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