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Linking Excel-worksbooks to TRNSYS


I would like to inform you that we have created a new TRNSYS-component:

	 TYPE 314 "Calling Excel".

The TYPE makes it possible to embed models which are defined by using
Microsoft Excel within your TRNSYS-simulation. That means every *.xls-file
can be embedded in the TRNSYS simulation, simply by defining the input cells
and output cells in your Excel-workbook.

 The Type 314 has the following features:

-      Works with Excel 97 and higher.
-      Extremely fast data-transfer by using the COM-interface.
-      Up to 10 inputs and 10 outputs can be defined (if necessary
		 up to 30 Inputs and unlimited number of outputs).
-      Up to 20 instances of TYPE 314 can be used in one project.
-      No limitations concerning the position of the in- and output
		cells in the excel-worksheet.
-      Necessary excel-applications will be started by TYPE 314 when
		the simulation begins and closed after finishing.
-      For testing mode the excel-worksheet can be made visible.
-      Any excel worksheet function and user defined macro can be used.
-	 Access to an unlimited number of external dlls by using the

A demo version and a detailed description (sorry, not all information
available in English yet) are available at:

We would like to know if this Type could be useful for you. Any suggestions
and notes are welcome.

Have a nice day.

Jochen Wriske

Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Wriske
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik
RWTH Aachen
Tel. (+49)241 / 80 98153
Fax. (+49)241 / 80 92255