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Simulation of a glazed courtyard

Dear trnsys-users,

i try to simulate a glazed courtyard which is located between two
How can i simulate this courtyard to get proper results, especially for the
temperatures. The courtyard is about 15.00 meters high and because of this
there have to be different tepmeratures depending on the level.
In addition to that i am not sure how to simulate the airchange. In this
there are a few ventilation flaps.
Do i have to use a thermodynamical model for this problem or is a "fixed"
rate proper enough. Thank you for your help in advance.


i. A. Christian Pfeiffer

Ed. Züblin AG
Zentrale Technik - Schlüsselfertiges Bauen

Christian Pfeiffer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Ed. Züblin AG
Albstadtweg 3
70567 Stuttgart
Tel.:       +49 711 - 7883-9350
Fax.: +49 711 - 7883-559
E-Mail:     Christian.Pfeiffer@Zueblin.de