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Number of surfaces in Prebid

Hello TRNSYS-Users,

I have a problem where I need a quick answer.
We have to simulate a big glas-facade with an ellipsoid outside form. We
need to calculate the resulting temperatures of each facade-element
dependent on the azimuth angle and slope angle. As there are a lot of
different orientated surfaces, I need to know, if the number of external
surfaces is limited in Prebid. However the facade is cut into areas of
two squrae meters and every field has to be calculated.
Do I have to pay to attention to anything special, if I calculate the
outside Temperature of the glazings with output NTYPE 53, regarding to
the convective heat transfer to the outside? Are there any existing
publications about this?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance!!!

Axel Braicks

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Axel Braicks
Schmidt Reuter Partner
Abt. F&E
Graeffstraße 5
50823 Köln

Tel:  +49 221 5741 353
Fax:  +49 221 5741 333
Email: axel.braicks@schmidtreuter.de
URL:  www.schmidtreuter.de