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Re: Direct solar radiation Type 56

Dear Christian,
If you are using TRNSYS 15, Type 56 allows you to model internal windows. You can also use the "GEOSURF" feature to control the distribution of incoming direct solar radiation. For instance, if you have a double façade building and the "inner skin" of the façade is fully glazed, you would typically set GEOSURF to 1 for the internal window.
Please note that if you use very special windows you may have to tweak the transmittance of the internal window to obtain meaningful results (for instance, assume that a window has a transmittance of 1 in one part of the radiation spectrum and 0 in the other part, resulting in an overall transmission of 0.6. If you put 2 windows in series, the transmittance modeled by Type56 will be 0.6*0.6=0.36, while the "real" transmittance is 0.6 - you cannot filter the same part of the spectrum twice!).


Michaël Kummert

sim@energiebuero-berlin.de wrote:

Dear TRNSYS-Users,
I want to model a house, where a part of the incoming direct solar radiation is absorbed by a wall and another part of this direct radiation "flows" into the next (adjacent) zone and is absorbed there. Is it possible to let solar direct radiation stream through one zone into another?
Thanks for help!
Christian Stolte

Adalbertstr. 7-8
10999 Berlin
t: 030-68056011
f: 030-68056013


Michaël Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@engr.wisc.edu

SEL Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys