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SV: Model of a Stirling engine

Dear Mr Folz,
we have a stirling test facility in Alvkarleby, Sweden.
Its currently equipped with a Epas stirling engine.
The engine has been only partly evaluated and no TRNSYS model has been done.
We  have some monitored data, perhaps enough to make a model, but no time to do it because of lack of funding.  
Stefan Larsson

Research engineer & Project manager
Vattenfall Utveckling AB
814 26 Älvkarleby
Tel: (46)26-838 01, Mob: 070-67 838 01
 -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Folz, Gernot [mailto:folz@izes.de]
Skickat: den 10 september 2003 11:19
Till: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Ämne: Model of a Stirling engine

Dear TRNSYS-User


I'm a student working on a test bench for a Stirling engine.

In fact, there aren't any facilities for testing it, so I would like to know if it still exist a trnsys-Model of such a Stirling engine? Or maybe someone is working on it?

I think the parameter definition of the Model could help me in my work.


Best regards,


Gernot Folz