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Re: Wrong IISibat Project?

  The error in your input file is I think a fairly common one and one that probably goes undetected often. In your simulation, you have a pump and a loads component but no piping. Consequently there is not enough capacitance in the loop and the system is not converging on a solution whenever the pump is on. If you look at the list file, you will see a number of the following error:

 ***** ERROR *****        TRNSYS ERROR # 206

having one or two of these errors is not a problem so TRNSYS does not stop the simulation until a certain number of these errors have been encountered (controlled by the LIMITS statement). When you shrink your timestep to a quarter hour, you are probably going over the limit.

To explain the problem a little better, imagine that the effect of the load component is to remove 10 C from the inlet fluid temperature. On the first iteration, the fluid coming from the pump is at 30 C. It enters the load component and leaves at 20 C and goes back to the pump. Now (at the same timestep) the pump inlet fluid is at 20 C. It leaves the pump at 20 C (pretend that the pump doesn't add any thermal energy to the fluid). It enters the load component again and comes out at 10 C. The loop is repeated and repeated and no converged state is ever reached.

To solve the problem, you need to add a pipe to your system whose volume is large enough to contain at least one timestep's worth of fluid. This will add enough capacitance to the system so that it becomes stable and doesn't have a runaway solution.

In effect, EVERY closed loop simulation in TRNSYS should employ a device (storage tank, insulated pipe etc.) capable of holding one timestep's worth of fluid or iteration problems will occur.  In many cases, such as in a solar collector loop, these problems go unnoticed, as the inlet temperature to the collector rises the losses will increase until the iterations converge - but not at the correct solution.....


At 05:25 AM 9/14/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hello all TRNSYS/IISibat users.

Could anyone explain me, please, what's wrong
with my project? Why the temperature of the fluid
doesn't change in time? If the simulation step
time becomes shorter, 0.25 for example, the
simulation terminates with one error. Where is
the fault?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards, Catalin LUNGU.

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