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Re: Earth-House

I am also interested on these models.
Xavier Garcías Casals
Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Madrid, Spain

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pierre Hollmuller" <pierre.hollmuller@cuepe.unige.ch>
To: <trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Earth-House

> Hi,
> Just as Jeff Thornton, we developped and intensively tested a 3d
> model for the ground, which can be linked to the multi-zone building model
> in TRNSYS (Type 56). It is meant to be used for thermal storage, with
> running within it, but it can also be used without any tubes.
> If you would like more detailed information, let me know about it.
> Pierre Hollmuller
> >Dear TRNSYS - Users
> >
> >I have to simulate an earth-house (office building). The idea is to use
> >surounding ground
> >as an thermal storage and therefore not to isolate the walls against the
> >ground.
> >Is somebody experienced in this area?
> >
> >How is the termal behaviour of the ground near the building depending on
> >the ambient temperature and the temperature within the building?
> >
> >thanks for your help
> >
> >Roland Haas
> >
> >Helbling Ingenieurunternehmung AG
> >Hohlstr. 610, 8048 Zürich
> >www.helbling.ch
> >
> >Tel.            ++41 (0)1 438 18 11
> >Tel. direkt     ++41 (0)1 438 18 64
> >Fax.            ++41 (0)1 438 18 10
> >Email           hro@helbling.ch
> *************************************************
> Pierre Hollmuller
> CUEPE (Centre universitaire d'etude des problemes de l'energie)
> Universite de Geneve
> Battelle batiment A
> 7 rte de Drize
> CH - 1227 Carouge
> tel: (+41) 22 / 705 9649
> fax: (+41) 22 / 705 9639
> e-mail: pierre.hollmuller@cuepe.unige.ch
> *************************************************