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Re: Earth-House

Dear Xavier,
We did not originally develop full technical documentation for the libraries in part because we wanted to make them available to the TRNSYS user community quickly, in part because we wanted to keep the price of the libraries low and in part because we hoped that the online documentation (IISiBat proformas and input/output description manual would be sufficient. There has been enough interest, though, in full documentation that we are working on a complete manual (like the red binder) and are planning that it will be available for all components with the release of version 2.0. We decided that it would be better to make and release all the documentation at once instead of one piece at a time. Version 2.0 of the libraries will be released along with TRNSYS version 16.
Kind regards,

At 11:49 AM 9/22/2003 +0200, you wrote:

Derar Jeff,
I would also be interested on these grund models. ¿Could you give me some
We have all the TESS libraries. When we got them there was no writen
information about the TYPES, which makes it a bit difficult when you whant
to check what the TYPE does (I have to read the fortran subroutine). When we
got the TESS libraries David told me the written documentation would be soon
available. As I got no new info, I am wondering whether we are not on a
distribution list where this kind of things are anounced. ¿Is it so?
Kind regards,
Xavier García Casals

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Thornton" <thornton@tess-inc.com>
To: <trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Earth-House

> At 05:35 PM 8/25/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> >How is the termal behaviour of the ground near the building depending on
> >the ambient temperature and the temperature within the building?
> We have two new 3-d conduction models of the ground available for TRNSYS;
> one for interaction with slab floors and one for interaction with
> basements.  The slab floor model also has the option of running pipes
> through the slab and/or soil for radiant heating or thermal storage
> applications.  Both of these models can interact with the multi-zone
> building model in TRNSYS (Type 56) and with the ambient.  Let me know if
> you'd like me to send you some more detailed information.
> Jeff
> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
> Jeff Thornton                                   2916 Marketplace Drive
> Principal                                       Suite 104
> Phone:  (608) 274-2577                  Madison WI 53719
> Fax:  (608) 278-1475                            USA
> E-mail:   thornton@tess-inc.com
> Web Page:       www.tess-inc.com
> "Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"