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Re: Earth-House

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 5:35 PM
Subject: Earth-House

Dear TRNSYS - Users

I have to simulate an earth-house (office building). The idea is to use the
surounding ground
as an thermal storage and therefore not to isolate the walls against the
Is somebody experienced in this area?

How is the termal behaviour of the ground near the building depending on
the ambient temperature and the temperature within the building?

thanks for your help

Roland Haas

Helbling Ingenieurunternehmung AG
Hohlstr. 610, 8048 Zürich

Tel.           ++41 (0)1 438 18 11
Tel. direkt  ++41 (0)1 438 18 64
Fax.         ++41 (0)1 438 18 10
Email      hro@helbling.ch

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Title: ScienceDirect - Energy and Buildings : Air-earth exchanger study in real site experimentation and simulation
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Energy and Buildings
Volume 21, Issue 2 , 1994, Pages 155-162

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doi:10.1016/0378-7788(94)90008-6    How to cite or link using doi (opens new window) Cite or link using doi  
Copyright © 1994 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Air-earth exchanger study in real site experimentation and simulation

A. Trombe and L. Serresnext term

Laboratoire de Thermique des Matériaux et des Bâtiments (INSA-UPS), Complexe Scientifique de Rangueil, 31077, Toulouse, France

Received 10 February 1994;  accepted 7 June 1994. ; Available online 11 February 2003.


The aim of this study is to present different possibilities of use offered by an air-earth exchanger. With the help of real site experimentation from which a simplified simulation model has been validated, the efficiency of this system when it is coupled with an individual house is demonstrated. It is shown that this system can be used to save 10% of house energy consumption by preheating fresh air in winter, to avoid freeze risks in a dwelling during winter, to refresh air and to improve comfort conditions in summer. For this case, it keeps house ambient temperature under a value of 27°C without using a conventional air-conditioning system. Finally, actual limits of the study which has only been carried out for the specific case of house and air-earth exchanger are given.

Author Keywords: Air-earth exchanger; House; Preheating fresh air; Refreshing air

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Energy and Buildings
Volume 21, Issue 2 , 1994 , Pages 155-162

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