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DOMAIN error

Dear everybody!

Can someone help me trouble shoot? I'm trying to simulate a small
district heating system, with the simulation running for a year. The
site is Umeå. Everything works fine until end of May, when the heating
need gets low. I then receive the message that there is a floating point
error, the simulation is terminated and I get the following message;

Run-time error M6201: MATH -log: DOMAIN error

Followed by a list of Images (TRNLIB.DLL, Trnsys.exe, kernel32.dll),
with various PC-numbers, routine, line and source unknown.

None of this makes much sence to me. I would really appreciate some
ideas on how to find the problem and fix it!

Kind regards,

Ulrika Ottosson

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Ulrika Ottosson                             e-mail:
Tekniska högskolan, Umeå universitet           
(Umeå Institute of Technology)              tel:    +46 (0)90 786 67
S-90187 Umeå
Sweden                                      fax:    +46 (0)90 786 97 96

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