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creating bld, trn and inf-files

Dear all,

Is there a way to create the bld, trn and inf-files from a bui-file, without passing by Prebid or at least without having to open the Prebid window and using the command buttons?

For use within a genetic algorithm (GA), I want to create in an automatic way many variants of 1 bui-file (as it is a text file, this won't give too many problems), but in order to create from these bui-files the inputfiles for Type 56 (*.bld, *.trn, *.inf), I'm looking for the commands that I can incorporate in my GA-program. Until now I used Matlab for my GA-program, but as I'm thinking to change to Fortran, commands in Fortran is ok.

Griet Verbeeck

ir. Griet Verbeeck
Afdeling Bouwfysica
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Kasteelpark Arenberg 51
3001 Heverlee
T: +32 16 32 13 49
F: +32 16 32 19 80
@: griet.verbeeck@bwk.kuleuven.ac.be