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Re: WALL TIMEBASE and timesteps

on 2003-12-10 07:56, Tomas Persson wrote:
I have also had some problems with increasing temperatures up to several hundred Celcius inside type 56 (self-heating!?). It looks like if there is a large deck-file with a hundred different components, type 56 should be placed in the beginning of the deck-file, to avoid "self-heating"

I have also had self-heating, when I used type 2 (on-off controler) with the "new control strategy". Check that you don´t use the "new control strategy" if you have the on-off controler in your deck-file.
The "Type2 and New Control Strategy" problem might be an explanation of the problem: in TRNSYS releases older than 15.3.00, there is no check that the mode used for Type 2 corresponds to the selected solver. And it is true that using a solver and a Type 2 mode that do not match each other can lead to very strange results (including inexplicable temperature increase of Type 56).
TRNSYS 15.3.00 now gives an error message and stops the simulation.

Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, Type 2 works fine with both solvers, you just have to make sure you use the corresponding mode.

Kind regards,

Michaël Kummert


Michaël Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@engr.wisc.edu

SEL Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys