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RE: trnlib32.dll

I've had similiar problems, not with TRNSYS, but with custom built software.
It turns out that Virus Protection software (which was set on automatic
clean) saw the progam as a "virus" and deleted it from my disk whenever it
was installed, or if installed when activated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christelle.Viardot [mailto:Christelle.Viardo@univ-savoie.fr]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 4:41 AM
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Subject: trnlib32.dll

Hello dear TRNSYS users, 

I am working with TRNSYS 14.2 on a computer running Windows NT.
Sometimes I loose the Trnlib32.dll when I use the command "rebuild". It
disappears from my computer. So I put it back, but it disappears again as
soons as I use "rebuild". But after some time, when I use "rebuild", TRNSYS
tells me that it creates a library \trnwin\TRNLIB32.lib and object
\trnwin\TRNLIB32.exp. Then, I retrieve my Trnlib32.dll and all become normal
A don't know why it disappears and why it comes again.
Have someone had this probleme before? Have you an idea about what can

Thank you for your help