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Question about Solar Radiation Processor.

Dear TRNSYS Users,

I often use TRNSYS for buildingsimulations. For the Solar Radiation
Processor I always use the Perez skymodel (parameter 3=4). For a special
case I had to use the Isotropic skymodel (parameter 3=1). I remarked that
there was a great difference in the diffuse radiation on a square that is
South East orientated (tilt = 35 °). With the Perez skymodel, the annual
total diffuse radiation on this square (tilt 35 °, orientation South East)
is 3,0 GJ/m2 a year. With the Isotropic skymodel, this radiation is "only"
2,4 GJ/m2 a year. This is a difference of 0.6 GJ/m2 a year. When I do the
same exercise for a sqaure that is South orientated, then the result for the
Perez Model is 2.6 GJ/m2 a year and for the Isotropic skymodel 2.4 GJ/m2 a
year. The difference is only 0.2 GJ/m2 a year.

To explain this, I made a graph of the day-to-day total diffuse radiation
for the different skymodels and orientations (see attached file Graph.zip
(zipped Excel-file)). You can see that for the South East orientation with
the Perez sky model there is a "sky-high" diffuse radiation on day 299. I
think this cannot be correct.

This could be caused by incorrect input for Total Horizontal Radiation, the
Diffuse Horizontal Radiation or the Beam Radiation. To check this, I plotted
in the same graph these radiations (also day-to-day totals). In the graph
you can see that the input is totally normal on day 299, so the input can
not cause the "sky-high" diffuse radiation.

Does anybody has equal experiences and does anybody know an explenation for
these strange results ? 

With kind regards,

Maurice Jong

E-Mail : jong@ecn.nl - Maurice Jong.
ECN - Energy Research Foundation      Department: Wind, Group DEGO
Telephone:    (+31) 224 564938             Fax:       (+31) 224 563214
P.O. box 1    1755 ZG  Petten                Country:   The Netherlands

Attachment: Graph.zip
Description: Binary data