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Re: problem with trnshl


The following bug will cause "access violation" errors.  I don't if it's
your problem or not, but it plauged me so I thought I would pass it along.

The following passage comes fromt the file "New Features for Compaq Visual
Fortran Version 6.1"

New features added to Compaq Visual Fortran (Visual Fortran) Version 6.1
(since Version 6.0.A) include the following:
Visual Fortran puts literals into read-only memory so storing into a dummy
argument that has a constant as its associated actual argument will result
in an access violation and program termination:

 call f(0)
 subroutine f(i)
 i=1                ! this will die

I ran into this problem when trying to use some of the routines from the
ASHRAE Primary Toolkit (see TRNLIB at
http://sel.me.wisc.edu/TRNSYS/Default.htm).  Many of the routines following
use the following call to the TRNSYS standard PSYCH subroutine (see for
instance the Cooling Tower routine ( nummber 1110))

      CALL PSYCH(TIME,INFO,1,2,0,PSYDAT,1,0,*15)

The following fragment is from the PSYCH routine:

      STATUS = 0

The "access violation" occurs because the CALL statement passes a constant
(literal) value of 0 for the variable STATUS.  The problem can be
eliminated by changing the CALL to:


There's problably a compiler switch that would disable this new feature but
I haven't looked for it yet.

As I said, I don't know if this has anything to do with your problem.  You
might however take a quick look at the routines you are using.

Good Luck,

Jeff Miller

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