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Re: Simulation of an existing building

hello ,
I already simulated an heating-system with TRNSYS but not with the TYPE 56.
I suppose it is possible. If you want , I will send you my deck.
If you give me your measured weather data and the descritpion of your
building (walls, internal loads ...) , I will estimate the heat output
(ideal). It is  interesting to compare your estimations.
G. Fraisse

At 14:03 17/05/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear TRNSYS-users,
>we are trying to simulate an existing building with Type56, using 
>measured weather data. We use the ideal heating-system included in 
>Type56 but the heat output is much higher then the measured.
>Has someone with more experience an idea about this fact?
>Can someone send  me a working deck of a Type56 combined with a 
>heating-system including pipes, a pump, radiators,.....?
>Thanks for answers
>Ralf Blachnik
>Fachhochschule Hannover
>Fachbereich Maschinenbau
>Bereich: Energiesystemtechnik
>Ricklinger Stadtweg 120     
>30459 Hannover
>Telefon: (0511) 9296-396
>Telefax: (0511) 9296-99 396
>e-mail: ralf.blachnik@mbau.fh-hannover.de