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Re: Including Steam-Types

Following program can be linked. works in dos envirnoment.
At 04:11 PM 7/21/00 +0200, you wrote:
>I'm writing a new type in which I need the thermodynamic properties of
>steam. I include like the following fortran shows:
>write(6,*) UNITS, ITYPE, PROP(1),PROP(2)
>97  write(6,*) 'ERROR'
>WRITE (6,*) 'Property',ENTH
>The program stops without any comment. I am using Trnsys 14.2. The
>type works without this addition. The Type Steam is build in '93 by
>Tim McDowell.
>Does anyone have an idea?
>Thanks a lot
>Daniel West

Attachment: therm11.zip
Description: Zip archive

Ajit Kumar N Shukla                     
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A matter of time: The global economy burned up an amount of energy (mostly
fossil fuel), each minutes, that the planet took 10,000 minutes to produce
through solar energy collection and photosynthesis.
World Watch Institute