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Re: A question about high thermal storage wall

Hi Bo,

here are some further Solar Energy Papers which could be of interest for you in 
some special aspects.
Indeed, some articles which I suppose are of very special nature. But the need 
of a good constructed passive solar heated house is to deal with different 
themes. Do not forget to look at the references given by the authors. In the 
case you are not familiar with the electrical-analogy-modelling-concept, please 
have a look into the master of science thesis of Michael James Pawelski.

Lots of fun
the SAP application-developer

Solar Energy Vol.36, No.5, pp.459-464, 1986
On Optimal Zone Heating and Energy Conservation in Passive Solar Buildings
A.Kirkpatrick and C.B.Winn

Solar Energy Vol.36, No.2, pp.99-114, 1986
Is there a Need for a Rock Bed Store? Simulation and Optimization of Solar Air 
Heating Systems for Offices with Large Thermal Capacity Walls
Elizabeth Michelson and Avraham Shitzer

Solar Energy Vol.39, No.5, pp.409-419, 1987
Theoretical Study of a Composite Trombe-Michel Wall Solar Collector System
Z.Zrikem and E.Bilgen

Solar Energy Vol.39, No.4, pp267-289, 1987
Design and Control Tradeoffs for Rockbins in Passively Solar Heated Houses with 
Trombe Walls, Direct Gain and High Solar Fractions
A.V.Sebald and G.Vered

Solar Energy Vol.39, No.4, pp.307-319, 1987
On Eliminating Peak Load Auxiliary Energy Consumption in Passive Solar 
Residences During Winter
A.V.Sebald and D.Munoz

Solar Energy Vol.36, No.4, pp.303-312, 1986
Analytical Model, Sensitivity Analysis, and Algorithm for Temperature Swings in 
Direct Gain Rooms
A.K.Athienitis, H.F.Sullivan and K.G.T.Hollands

Solar Energy Vol.36, No.2, pp.125-127, 1986
A Comparison of the Admittance and Fourier Methods for Predicting 
Heating/Cooling Loads
M.S.Sodha, B.Kaur, A.Kumar and N.K.Bansal

Solar Energy Vol.36, No.4, pp.365-375, 1986
Thermal Performance of Adobe Structures with Domed Roofs and Moist Internal 
M.N.Bahadori and F.Haghighat

Michael James Pawelski
Development of Transfer Function Load Models and Their Use in Modeling the CSU 
Solar House I
Master of Science (Mech Eng), Uni Wisconsin, 1976
(Fundstelle: Uni Hannover, Techn. Informationsbibliothek DT 1086)

Solar Energy Vol.35, No.6, pp.541-547, 1985
An Energy-Independent House Combining Solar Thermal and Sky Radiation Energies
T.Saitoh, H.Matsuhashi and T.Ono (Japan)

Solar Energy Vol.33, No.2, pp.221-225,1984
Pressure Drop across Rock Bed Thermal Storage Systems
K.G.T.Hollands and H.F.Sullivan

Solar Energy Vol.38, No.6, pp.437-446, 1987
Measurement of Interzonal Heat and Mass Transfer by Natural Convection

Solar Energy Vol.38, No.3, pp.187-201, 1987
The Geometry of the Shading of Buildings by Various Tree Shapes
M.A.Sattler, S.Sharples and J.K.Page

shuu schrieb:
> Dear TRNSYS specialists:
> How can I simulate a thermal storage wall and a thermal bed floor in an
>  environmentally symbiotic housing? 
> I am now studying on the effect of the passive solar system in an
>  environmentally symbiotic housing. As described in 
> figure 1 and 2 of the attached file "Figure.ppt", the floor of the
>  environmentally symbiotic housing consist partly of 
> high thermal storage concrete which is nearest to the south window. The
>  thermal storage concrete bed plays an important 
> role in winter by storaging heat when radiated by sun in daytime and
>  releasing the heat in night. And three thermal 
> storage walls (Figure 1, painted in yellow) are also inside the room . Do you
>  know how to cope with it?
> It is said in the "TRNSYS manual" that internal walls are assumed to affect
>  building response only as the result of 
> their mass. Is it correct if I input the high thermal storage wall as an
>  internal wall in PREBID. And how to simulate 
> the effect of the high thermal storage floor nearest to the south window? To
>  describe it as a Wall between zones and 
> define the ABS-Front for the floor as 0.9 so as to weight the solar
>  absorptance of the different surfaces? Or cope with 
> it by adding part of the thermal capacity of the thermal storage wall into
>  the capacitance of house air? It seems that 
> TYPE 10 (Rock Bed Thermal Storage) and TYPE 36 (Thermal Storage Wall) could
>  not be used to simulate it this time.
> Does anybody know how to deal with this problem? I am eagly looking forward
>  to your answer. 
> With best regards,
> Yours sincerely
> Bo, ZHOU
> 5/16