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Re: New TRNSYS Libraries Available

Hi Jeff,

I realy liked this email, especial since it has the word IISiBat all
over :-)  What about sending it to mailto:BLDG-SIM@gard.com
too ?

Any news about distributing the component libraries through CSTB ?
Or maybe you want to wait for the decission about making them part
of the package first.



Jeff Thornton wrote:

> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS) of Madison, Wisconsin has
> developed 6 new component libraries for sale as add-ons to the TRNSYS 15
> simulation software.  In total, there are approximately 100 new component
> models available in the 6 libraries.  Each of the components in these new
> libraries has been extensively tested and comes complete with on-line
> documentation, source code, and free technical support for 1 year from the
> date of purchase.  These components have been chosen as the most useful of
> the 300+ components that we have written for TRNSYS projects in the last 5
> years.
> Each of the 6 component libraries is packaged in the IISiBat front-end
> format for TRNSYS (source code, documentation, on-line help, icon, etc.)
> The source code is provided for each of these models so that they can be
> quickly and easily modified if the user wishes to make changes to the
> model.  Each of the component libraries comes with or more IISiBat/TRNSYS
> projects that demonstrate typical uses of the component models found in
> that library.
> The six libraries currently available are:
> * HVAC Component Models
> * Geothermal Heat Pump Component Models
> * Utility Component Models
> * Solar Component Models
> * Storage Tank Component Models
> * Application Components (IISiBat Utility Programs for the Assembly Panel)
> Detailed information about the libraries, and the components that
> constitute the libraries, can be found on our web page:  www.tess-inc.com
> Please direct any questions you may have about the models and libraries to:
> trnsys@tess-inc.com
> In another related development, TESS has recently coupled together the
> TRNSYS 15 simulation software and the GENOPT optimization algorithm from
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  To seamlessly couple the two
> programs, a new front-end program that acts as an interface between TRNSYS
> and GENOPT has been written.  With this approach, the user simply has to
> choose the TRNSYS input file to be optimized, choose up to 10 TRNSYS
> constants that will be varied in order to optimize the results, choose the
> objective function to be minimized (equation name or output from a
> component or integrator for example) and then choose the Run option - all
> from within the interface program.  Results from the optimization are shown
> on the screen as the optimization progresses and are also stored in text
> files for post-processing tasks.  We have been using this product in-house
> for several months and have found it to be incredibly useful and easy to
> use.  Due to multiple requests from our clients, we have decided to make
> this product available to the general public.  We are currently negotiating
> with LBNL for the rights to distribute GENOPT.  When the negotiations are
> complete we will make the program commercially available.
> Thanks for your time.
> Jeff Thornton
> TRNSYS Coordinator
> *********************************************************************************
> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
> Jeff Thornton                                   5610 Medical Circle
> Principal                                       Suite 31
> Phone:  (608) 274-2577                  Madison WI 53719
> Fax:  (608) 278-1475                            USA
> E-mail:   thornton@tess-inc.com
> Web Page:       www.tess-inc.com
> "Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"
> *********************************************************************************

  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Project Manager
  \____/     CSTB Sophia Antipolis, EVL Division
  /    \____ s-mail: BP 209, 06904 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,  F R A N C E
  \____/     phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 46 -- fax: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 33
  /    \____ Mailto:werner@cstb.fr
  \____/     http://evl.cstb.fr/english/team/WK/werner.htm

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