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New TRNSYS Libraries Available


Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS) of Madison, Wisconsin has developed 6 new component libraries for sale as add-ons to the TRNSYS 15 simulation software. In total, there are approximately 100 new component models available in the 6 libraries. Each of the components in these new libraries has been extensively tested and comes complete with on-line documentation, source code, and free technical support for 1 year from the date of purchase. These components have been chosen as the most useful of the 300+ components that we have written for TRNSYS projects in the last 5 years.

Each of the 6 component libraries is packaged in the IISiBat front-end format for TRNSYS (source code, documentation, on-line help, icon, etc.) The source code is provided for each of these models so that they can be quickly and easily modified if the user wishes to make changes to the model. Each of the component libraries comes with or more IISiBat/TRNSYS projects that demonstrate typical uses of the component models found in that library.

The six libraries currently available are:

* HVAC Component Models
* Geothermal Heat Pump Component Models
* Utility Component Models
* Solar Component Models
* Storage Tank Component Models
* Application Components (IISiBat Utility Programs for the Assembly Panel)

Detailed information about the libraries, and the components that constitute the libraries, can be found on our web page: www.tess-inc.com

Please direct any questions you may have about the models and libraries to: trnsys@tess-inc.com

In another related development, TESS has recently coupled together the TRNSYS 15 simulation software and the GENOPT optimization algorithm from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. To seamlessly couple the two programs, a new front-end program that acts as an interface between TRNSYS and GENOPT has been written. With this approach, the user simply has to choose the TRNSYS input file to be optimized, choose up to 10 TRNSYS constants that will be varied in order to optimize the results, choose the objective function to be minimized (equation name or output from a component or integrator for example) and then choose the Run option - all from within the interface program. Results from the optimization are shown on the screen as the optimization progresses and are also stored in text files for post-processing tasks. We have been using this product in-house for several months and have found it to be incredibly useful and easy to use. Due to multiple requests from our clients, we have decided to make this product available to the general public. We are currently negotiating with LBNL for the rights to distribute GENOPT. When the negotiations are complete we will make the program commercially available.

Thanks for your time.

Jeff Thornton
TRNSYS Coordinator

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
Jeff Thornton 5610 Medical Circle
Principal Suite 31
Phone: (608) 274-2577 Madison WI 53719
Fax: (608) 278-1475 USA
E-mail: thornton@tess-inc.com
Web Page: www.tess-inc.com

"Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"