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At 07:01 PM 9/1/01 +0200, you wrote:

So I have tried to use a controller (TYPE 2A), using as monitoring
temperature the cold-side outlet temperature and setting 55 as high
limit cut-out. The upper input temperature is linked to cold-side
outlet temperature too, and the lower input temperature is always 0. In
this way, the controller should always shows a 1 as output control,
except when the temperature to be monitored goes over 55 ºC. However,
this doesn´t run. I find convergence problems (error 203).
Although your problem seems complicated - its actually a very easy fix to get it to work correctly. Have the high-side inlet temperature to the controller set to be a constant - in your case the set-point of 55 C is appropriate. Have the low-side temperature input be connected to the temperature input that you do not want to exceed. Set the high-limit cutout to some artificially high value. Set the upper deadband to something reasonable (2 C for example) and the lower deadband to 0. Connect the output control signal to the input control signal.

Your system will then turn on when the temperature falls below 53 C and stay on until the temperature reaches 55 C. It will then stay off until the temperature falls below 53 C again. You may set the NSTK parameter to a even number to reflect capacitance in the lines (4 or 6) or to a odd number to oscillate between control states during transient periods.

You were having problems due to a lack of capacitance in the system that caused the controller to switch from On to OFF and back again repeatedly. Adding mass to the system (massive collector or pipes) will help. The deadbands and hysteresis of Type 2 were added for exactly this situation.....


Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
Jeff Thornton 5610 Medical Circle
Principal Suite 31
Phone: (608) 274-2577 Madison WI 53719
Fax: (608) 278-1475 USA
E-mail: thornton@tess-inc.com
Web Page: www.tess-inc.com

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