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Re: Shading with type56

Dear Letor Xavier,

there are different ways to model obstacles (not within T56):

- using of Type68 "shading mask", which loads an ascii-file with the geometric
ray data related to the point of view and the obstacles (see manual). The
ascii-file can be either edited "by hand" or much more elegant if you are
using SIMCAD the necessary data can be generated automatically for different
windows (or walls). More information about SIMCAD you receive at

The Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (IISiBat / SIMCAD developer)

- there is the software package SOMBRERO that generates shading coefficients
for certain windows, walls, which can be integrated in the model using type 9
and multiplying the incident radiation. For more information:

- if by incidence you have a 3D-Model of a project and using  e.g. radiance
you can determine the shading coefficients by checking a bundle of points on
the surface of interest and calculate the shading coefficient  (maybe the most
complex solution).


Matthias Rudolph

Letor Xavier wrote:

> Hello Trnsys users,
> Is it possible to take obstacles (tree, other building, ...) in front of a
> window or a wall into account ?
> Is it the parameter ishade and eshade ? What's the differences between the
> both ?
> Regards,
> Xavier



 Matthias Rudolph
 TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH
 Curiestrasse 2
 70563 Stuttgart

 phone: ++49-711-67976-192
 fax:     ++49-711-67976- 11


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