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Dear all,
I have some problems with type54

First, my simulation begin at time 0.0, but type 54 gives first result for month 1 day 1 and hour 1
My time step simulation is 0.5 h, but the results are the same for 6 and 6.5,  7 and 7.5 , 8 and 8.5 .....
The most important problem is that type 54 "forget" some time steps. For example after results for 7.5 h of the first day, it gives results for 9.0h. After 20 days of simulation te shift between time simulation and time given by type 54 is about 12 hours.

Could you help me.

SERRES Laurent
IUT Génie Civil
3, Rue du Clos Courtel
BP 90422
Encore un nouveau numéro ! Tel: (33) 2 23 23 42 02

Fax: (33) 2 23 23 40 50
e-mail: laurent.serres@univ-rennes1.fr