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forgot passwrd for update of TRNSYS15

Hi there!

Here is a simple, but yet for me important question.

I have managed to forget my password for updating TRNSYS15 over the web.

Could you enlighten me on this issue?

Is there a different password for the presim update?

I also wonder if our license on TRNSYS15 was a 5 user license. I seem to
recal this, but cannot seem to find any written evidence on this. We have a
student here who wishes to use TRNSYS. If the license registered on either
me or Øystein Ulleberg is a multiuser license, please let me know.

Ronny Glöckner - Research Scientist, PhD  tlf(w) +47 63 80 61 68
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)	(p) 	 +47 22 65 16 33
Instituttveien 18					(mob)  +47 96 61 85 88
P.O. Box 40			 			fax(w) +47 63 81 29 05
N-2027 KJELLER			       	e-mail ronnyg@ife.no