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Re: Need Help 2 (Type25 Outputfile & Excel 97)

Hi Alfred,

I used Excel with IISiBat without any sweat at all (I tried 5
minutes ago). I'm sure it's Bill Gate's fault ...

Did you try to open the file from within Excel (With File/Open).
or open it with NOTEPAD ? What happens ?

One kind of trouble we had was with local parameter settings that
used anything different from the decimal point (".") in the Local
Parameters System Panel (like the French ","). Excel then
interprets all numbers as strings.


Alfred Haider wrote:

> Hi,
> here I am again :-)
> What is the best way to open a output-file from the type25 with Excel97?
> In the "codes" of IISiBat-Mainmenu I replaces spread with excel. Now when I
> open the file, Excel has only one column and problem with . and ,.
> If you can help me, please send me an e-mail.
> bye,
>         Alfred Haider

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