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Re: adding new routines to TRNSYS

Hi Samuel,
	I'm sorry to hear you are still having troubles...

>Compiling from the DOS prompt some errors occurs, like:
> type144.for(16) : Error: Cannot open include file 'param.inc'
>      include 'param.inc'

The compiler wants you to be more specific about the location of the file.
Change the line so that it reads
include '../trnwin/kernal/param.inc' 

I think this may make the other errors go away too.

>Compiling using TRNSHELL I proceeded as follows:
>1. in file/setup/compiler menu I entered \TRNWIN\ALLTRNDF.BAT on the
>rebuild line.
>2. in TrNSYS menu I enter rebuild TRNSYS
>3. apparently there was no problems.
>4. then I started the IISIBAT TRNSYS and didn't find the new type (144).
Since Type144 couldn't compile (due to the errors), the Type144.obj file
was never created and so was not linked during the execution of
altrndf.bat. This batch file looks for all the .obj files in the kernal,
types, utility and option directories and links them into the trnlib32.dll.

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TRNSYS Engineer			Phone: (608) 263-1589
Solar Energy Laboratory	bradley@sel.me.wisc.edu
1500 Engineering Drive		Fax: (608) 262-8464
Madison, WI  53706

The SEL Web Site can be seen at: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
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